Why Choose CheckPad

Online Test Series

Online Test Series are based on the latest exam patterns for different Competitive Exams in India.


Ready to crack the competitive exams ? Select the your Favorite course option and Take your career to the next level!


Tests can be taken on Mobile, Tablet or PC. CheckPad is mobile and tablet friendly, So you can Prepare Anywhere, Anytime.


For free, For everyone, Forever. We are a not for profit because we believe in a Free education for anyone, anywhere.

No Registration

Don't required to create an account or register for taking Tests. Mock tests available in Hindi & English


Detailed analysis for every test and Section so you can track each Section and decide your strategy.

Steps to Start Test

Test, Analyze and Improve !
  • 1. Ready

    Ready to Boost your exam preparation, Select your Test and get started.

  • 2. Start Test

    Challenge yourself, Attempt Free Mock Tests and Try to attempt as many Question as you can.

  • 3. Submit Test

    After taking the test, Submit your test and check the answers.

  • 4. Analyze

    Analyze your performance, Analysis help you to score better in next time.

    Online Test Series & Free Mock Tests

    All free Online Mock Test for popular competitive exams.